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Libyan Rebels Try To Arrest NATO Critics
» Libyan Rebels Try To Arrest NATO Critics
Libyan Rebels Try To Arrest NATO Critics
الاثنين، 5 سبتمبر 2011
Libyan Rebels Try To Arrest NATO Critics
1500 طفل ليبى يختطفهم الناتو والدليل مقال اجنبى

Yesterday, rebels attempted to arrest journalists who were trapped in the Hotel Rixos in Tripoli for the crime of dissenting against NATO’s six month bombardment of the country.
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) arrived to evacuate the journalists, but shortly after they were able to leave the building, rebels tried to detain Voltaire Network reporter Thierry Meyssan, who has become a prominent critic of NATO’s role in supporting the rebel army’s overthrow of Gaddafi.
The rebels were only dissuaded from arresting Meyssan when the ICRC intervened. Given how rebels have treated their adversaries, Meyssan was probably spared from harrowing torture and mistreatment.
“Voltaire Network is extremely concerned about the attitude showed by the NATO-sponsored “rebels” towards its journalists. It is hereby launching an international appeal to the international community urging for the protection of its journalists and for their safe departure from Libya,” states a press release on the group’s website.
Silencing dissent against the humanitarian peace bombs being dropped by NATO powers has also been enthusiastically adopted by Twitter. After blogger Tony Cartalucci began tweeting information about how rebel snipers were targeting the Hotel Rixos, which led to fellow NATO critic Franklin Lamb being shot, Twitter suspended his account. The suspension occurred after numerous Twitter users acting as conduits for NATO propaganda complained that Cartalucci was sending out “spam,” simply because they didn’t like the fact that he was critical of the Al-Qaeda-led rebels.
The Libyan rebels have proven themselves to be just as if not more brutal than Gaddafi loyalists, which is unsurprising given the fact that they are being commanded by British, French and American Special Forces, along with Al-Qaeda terrorists.
“The bodies of at least a dozen pro-Gaddafi fighters – two of whom had their hands tied behind their backs – were found on a roundabout in the centre of Tripoli,” reports BBC News, adding “one body had an intravenous drip in the arm, and that others were badly burned,” suggesting the men were tortured.
The UN has acknowledged war crimes have been committed on both sides, but the establishment media has been loathe to report any atrocities other than those allegedly committed by Gaddafi’s forces.
The UN documented cases of rebels torturing migrant workers in rebel-held areas, while allegations of rebels torturing children, raping young girls and beating old men have been captured on video.
In one of the rare examples where the mainstream media gave attention to rebel atrocities, CNN reported on how rebels were “arbitrarily detaining dozens of civilians suspected of loyalty to ruler Moammar Gadhafi, holding them without trial or due process,” while clear signs of torture were also documented.
Given that the rebels are being directed by some of the same people who gave us Abu Ghraib, if and when the rebels finally do take control of the country, expect these atrocities to rise exponentially and for them to be largely ignored by an establishment press that has dutifully castrated any sense of balance to glorify the rebels as righteous freedom fighters even as they engage in brutality that outstrips anything Gaddafi was ever accused of, while journalists who dare to report on it are threatened with arrest and execution.
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